My Life According to Prince

Are you a male or female: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

Describe yourself: Irresistible Bitch

How do you feel: Nothing Compares 2 U

Describe where you currently live: Erotic City

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Alphabet St.

Your favorite form of transportation: Little Red Corvette

Your best friend is: The Marrying Kind

You and your best friends are: Sexy M.F.

What’s the weather like: Purple Rain

Favorite time of day: When Doves Cry

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Controversy

What is life to you: Let’s Go Crazy

Your last relationship: Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?

Your current relationship: I Would Die 4 U

Your fear: Thieves in the Temple

What is the best advice you have to give: Gotta Stop (Messin’ Around)

Thought for the Day: I Feel for You

How I would like to die: D.M.S.R.

My soul’s present condition: Scandalous

My motto: Baby, I’m a Star!