10 ways to improve your appearance before a job interview

First impressions matter. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. While employers may deny it, looks matter. When you walk into the room for a job interview, you have less than 10 seconds to make an amazing first impression. Think about the way you look and how you present yourself. If we were to compare your appearance to your resume (Read How to write a killer resume), which landed you the interview:

  • Your wardrobe would be the DESIGN;

  • Your mannerisms would be the EDITING;

  • Your experience, education, and skills would be the CONTENT; and

  • Your Tell Me About Yourself story (Read How to rock your next job interview) would be the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.

Just as you write a resume before you ever apply for a job, you must prepare in advance for how you’re going to look in an interview. Although not all of the following tips will apply to you, some of them may make a huge difference, especially if you are aged 35 and up working in a highly competitive field in an urban market (e.g., the entertainment industry in Los Angeles). The more time you have before an interview, the more you can do to improve your appearance so TBI stands for how much Time Before Interview you should allow for each task. I have arranged the tips from least expensive to most expensive because if you are unemployed, you may be on a tight budget. I’m not saying you have to do everything on this list, but consider doing many of them.

10 ways to improve your appearance before a job interview

1. Shave your legs, armpits, and facial hair (e.g., goatee) if applicable. The point is to remove all unnecessary hair from your body. I’m talking to Americans, of course, because in other cultures body hair is not seen as this ugly horrible thing. Though no one likes to see a man with an ungroomed beard or a woman with a mustache. TBI: 1 day

2. Whiten your teeth. You do not need to visit the dentist. You can buy a Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrip Teeth Whitening Kit. The white strips work well, and often, they are on sale at Costco. Warning: your teeth may become sensitive for the first 24 hours. TBI: 2 days

3. Get a Mani/Pedi. Even if you don’t think you need one and even if you are a man, a Mani/Pedi is essential. Okay, guys, you can probably skip the pedicure and ladies, you too, if you are certain you will be wearing close-toed shoes. However, a manicure is necessary. Nothing looks worse than dirty ragged nails or torn, bleeding cuticles. No matter how well you are dressed, if your hands (interviewers will see them) don’t look neat and clean, you will be viewed as messy and gross. I always chip my polish so I opt for the buffed, shiny look. TBI: 1 day

4. Tan your skin. Skip this tip if you have medium to dark or peaches and cream skin. However, if you have pasty white or uneven ruddy skin, tanning can help. This tip especially applies if you live in Southern California or Miami Beach and even more so if you are job-hunting during the summer. I’m not suggesting you expose your body to UV rays by lying in a tanning bed although that is one option. I prefer a spray tan. You have to do some research to find a decent place that won’t overdo it. A slight tan makes you appear healthier, gives your body a glow, and evens out your skin tone. You might even look younger! TBI: 3 – 4 days*

5. Receive a massage. Skip this tip if you are one of those people who hates to be touched at all or by strangers. I don’t want you to do something that will upset you. But if you carry a lot of tension in your body and you enjoy a good massage, then pamper yourself. I recommend a deep tissue or foot massage. Prices vary depending on what you want, how long you want it, and where you get it so you’ll have to look around. Ask for recommendations from friends, check for coupons in those junk mailers, and/or look on Groupon. If your body is relaxed, you will be more relaxed during the interview. Trust me. TBI: 1 – 2 days

6. Experience a facial. Like tip #3, this one is not limited to women. Men need facials too, and they usually don’t get them. Ever. Guys, if the idea of getting a facial bothers you, think of it as loving your skin. An interviewer will spend more time looking at your face than any other part of your body. Unlike women, you don’t have the added bonus of makeup so you should do anything you can to make your face look fresh and healthy. If you simply cannot afford a facial from a spa, I have a great in-home treatment. I personally use Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System Treatment. Afterward, my skin feels as smooth as a baby’s bottom, and my face looks fabulous. TBI: 2 – 3 days*

7. Dye your hair. This tip applies to two types of people: ones who already dye their hair and need their roots touched up before an interview (just do it) or ones who need to dye their hair because their current shade makes them look too old. I’ll address the latter group since they are new to the dyeing process. Face it: we live in a youth-oriented society. I don’t care how talented you are, you can lose a job if you look too old. You have to ‘fit in’ with the company’s employees and the majority of them are most likely under 35 years old. If you have gray or white hair, dye it back to your original color. Do not try to do it yourself if you have never dyed your hair before. Go to professional. TBI: 5 – 7 days*

8. Own the perfect outfit. Everyone — male or female — should have a go-to interview outfit that fits them well and makes them feel fabulous! Ideally, everyone should own one classic, tailored suit. I have two outfits depending on whether the first interview is with a man or a woman. For a man, I wear a black pencil skirt paired with a black and white, ruffled blouse, and open-toed, red pumps. For a woman, I wear a brown suit with thin, gold pinstripes paired with a shiny, gold blouse and dark brown, closed-toed heels. Both outfits look good on me and the skirt, as well as the suit, have been tailored to fit me. You don’t need to be skinny to look great in clothes. The clothes need to be high quality, and they need to fit you properly. Since finding the perfect suit and getting it tailored takes lots of time, start now! TBI: 30 days*

9. Inject Botox. I know this tip seems radical, but it goes back to fitting in with the company and shedding years off your appearance. If you have deep lines in your forehead, between your eyebrows, or around your eyes, you should consider Botox. Though it’s pricey, you won’t need to do it again for at least four months so it can be cost-effective. I consulted a professional who not only injects others but also uses the product on herself. Her only regret is she used it too much around her eyes so she does not recommend that area to her clients. In Los Angeles, you can ask for the actor’s version of Botox, which means receiving about half of the normal dosage, so your facial expression still appears normal. You will have some lines – just not as many or as deep. I used Botox about 10 days before my wedding and I didn’t regret it. TBI: 7 – 10 days*

10. Do a chemical peel. This tip is the most radical, the most expensive, and the most cost-effective because you won’t need to do it very often. Depending on the level of the chemical peel, it can be performed by a medical esthetician or physician. I found this article Which chemical peel is right for you? to be helpful and informative. I had one friend, a woman in her late 50s, do a chemical peel, and I swear it took more than 10 years off her face. TBI: 7 – 21 days*

Here’s what I do

I shave my legs and underarms, whiten my teeth, get a mani/pedi, visit my chiropractor (in lieu of a massage), do an in-home facial, and dye my hair (if necessary) before a job interview. I rarely tan my skin because I don’t expose much of it and makeup evens out my ruddy complexion. I don’t inject Botox, but I wouldn’t rule it out either. I wouldn’t mind doing a chemical peel one day, but they make me nervous because my skin is so sensitive. However, if I were ten years older (i.e., 54), I would do Botox in a heartbeat. Trying to find a job — especially in our youth-oriented society — is difficult and competitive. The bottom line: looks matter and you should do everything in your power to improve them.

*Ranges are given because some procedures require more time or your skin might have a reaction. For example, the results of Botox are not evident for a minimum of one week. Or if your hair dyeing experience goes awry, you need to allow extra time to redo it.


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